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베이징 리턴 투 인노센스 Return to Innocence

베이징 리턴 투 인노센스 Return to Innocence

등록일 2022년04월28일 18시37분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
기사글축소 기사글확대 트위터로 보내기싸이월드 공감 네이버 밴드 공유


Wabi is full of appreciation and cherishment of primitive simplicity. It is not minimalism or emptiness, but a unique sense of indifferent years. In the most unpretentious realm, it has won the beauty that transcends time. Being in a space full of wabi-sabiness will make people calm down for no reason, with inward consciousness, to appreciate the beauty of the quiet space and discover the beauty of oneself. This project is located in the prosperous city of Beijing. The designer takes the aesthetics of wabi-sabi as the starting point, and uses the oriental philosophy of static braking, empty space for fullness, and disability as beauty, to remove the lavish and gorgeous shell of the city and space, and let the space return to humanity. Inner resonance.




Project Location:Andersen Garden, Beijing

Project Acreage:230㎡

Design Company:Touch Design(www.tj-touch.com)

Construction Company:Touch Decoration Engineering

Design Director:Zhang Yong, Ma Xin

Material Application: Spanish micro cement, KD, Eck stone, invisible door, floor, etc

Picture Production:Shengsu Architectural Photography


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