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Beijing Daxing International Airport inaugurated, Beijing, China

6개의 유기적인 아치형 구조가 공항 전체를 매끄럽게 지지하는 유연하고 효율적인 공항 디자인, 남쪽 관문 역할을 맡는 베이징 다싱 국제공항

등록일 2019년11월11일 21시56분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
기사글축소 기사글확대 트위터로 보내기싸이월드 공감 네이버 밴드 공유

베이징 남쪽 관문 역할을 맡는 다싱 국제공항

Beijing Daxing International Airport inaugurated, Beijing, China

6개의 유기적인 아치형 구조가 공항 전체를 매끄럽게 지지하는 유연하고 효율적인 공항 디자인








다싱국제공항은 중국 베이징으로 진입하는 남쪽 관문 역할을 맡는 교통허브이다. 도심에서 남쪽으로 46km 떨어진 다싱 지구에 새롭게 들어선 다싱국제공항은 수도권의 교통 혼잡을 완하하기 위해 개발된 공항이다. 700,000m² 규모의 여객 터미널에는 80,000m²의 지상 교통센터가 들어서 있으며, 지하에는 고속철도가 통과하여 텐진과 허베이성의 경제발전을 위한 촉매 역할을 하게 된다.




베이징 다싱국제공항의 프로그램은 베이징신공항본부(BNAH)를 주축으로 세계적인 건축그룹 자하하디드 아키텍츠와 ADP Ingénierie(ADPI), 베이징의 지역건축회사인 BIAD(Beijing Institute of Architecture and Design)와 CACC(China Airport Construction Company)을 비롯해 전 세계 전문가팀이 긴밀한 협업과 통합적인 디자인 체계를 통해 탄생한 혁신적인 건축물이다.




방사형으로 뻗어 있는 건물은 6개의 유기적인 아치형 지붕이 공항 구조물 전체를 매끄럽게 지지하고는 형상이며 마치 불시착한 우주선을 연상케 한다. 안뜰과 적극적으로 연계된 방사형의 디자인은 중국 전통건축의 환경 친화적인 방식을 도입한 것으로 승객의 출발과 도착, 환승구역의 원활한 동선의 흐름을 순조롭게 엮어주고 있다.




아울러 콤팩트한 방사형 디자인은 최소 거리에 최대 항공기를 댈 수 있어 탑승 수속과 탑승구 간의 거리를 최소화함으로써 승객의 편의성과 운영의 유연성을 제공한다. 에어브리지가 장착된 79개의 게이트는 터미널과 직접적으로 연결되고 6대의 항공기 승객을 동시에 신속하게 처리할 수 있다.




선형의 스카이라이트 네트워크를 통해 내부로 유입되는 자연채광은 중앙 안뜰로 밝고 경쾌한 내부 공간을 만들어준다. 최대 100m의 구조 범위에서 터미널의 넓은 공용 공간을 만들어주고 향후 공간 재활용을 위한 유연성을 허용한다.




건물의 지붕에는 10MW 이상의 최소 용량을 제공하기 위한 태양광 발전을 설치했고, 폐열 회수기능을 갖춘 약 250만m²의 중앙집중식 난방시스템을 통해 지열 히트 펌프 시스템을 도입했다. 또한 빗물 처리 및 물관리 시스템을 통해 습지와 호수, 개울에 최대 280만 입방미터의 수자원을 자연 저장, 정화함으로써 홍수를 방지하고 여름철 열섬효과에 대응할 수 있다.


Architects/Joint Design Team_ Zaha Hadid Architects(ZHA) and ADP Ingeniérie (ADPI)

Design(ZHA)_ Zaha Hadid, Patrik Schumacher, 자료_ ZHA, Photography by Hufton+Crow




Beijing Daxing International Airport is a new airport in the Daxing district 46km south of the city centre (20 minutes by express train).





Developed to alleviate congestion at the capital’s existing airport, Beijing Daxing will be a major transport hub for the region with the world’s fastest growing demand for international travel and is fully integrated within the country’s expanding transport network.




Initially serving 45 million passengers per year, Beijing Daxing will accommodate 72 million travellers by 2025 and is planned for further expansion to serve up to 100 million passengers and 4 million tonnes of cargo annually.




Beijing Daxing’s 700,000m² passenger terminal includes an 80,000m² ground transportation centre offering direct connections to Beijing, the national high-speed rail network and local train services, providing a catalyst for economic development in Tianjin and Hebei Province.




Recently assigned the airport code 'PKX' by the International Air Transport Association, Beijing Daxing sets a new standard in air transport services, serving the region’s growing population within a compact and efficient passenger terminal that is adaptable for future growth.



Echoing principles within traditional Chinese architecture that organise interconnected spaces around a central courtyard, the terminal’s design guides all passengers seamlessly through the relevant departure, arrival or transfer zones towards the grand courtyard at its centre – a multi-layered meeting space at the heart of the terminal.





Six flowing forms within the terminal’s vaulted roof reach to the ground to support the structure and bring natural light within, directing all passengers towards the central courtyard. Natural light also enters the terminal via a network of linear skylights that provide an intuitive system of navigation throughout the building, guiding passengers to and from their departure gates.

Structural spans of up to 100m create the terminal's generous public spaces and allow the highest degree of flexibility for any future reconfiguration.




The compact radial design of the terminal allows a maximum number of aircraft to be parked directly at the terminal with minimum distances from the centre of the building, providing exceptional convenience for passengers and flexibility in operations. 79 gates with airbridges connect directly to the terminal which can rapidly process the passengers of six full A380 aircraft simultaneously.




Five aircraft piers radiate directly from the terminal’s main central court where all passenger services and amenities are located, enabling passengers to walk the comparatively short distances through the airport without the need for automated shuttle trains. As a result, the terminal’s compact design minimises distances between check-in and gate, as well as connections between gates for transferring passengers. This radial configuration ensures the farthest boarding gate can be accessed in a walking time of less than 8 minutes.




Photovoltaic power generation is installed throughout the airport to provide a minimum capacity of at least 10MW. Beijing Daxing's centralised heating with waste heat recovery is supported by a composite ground-source heat pump system incorporating a concentrated energy supply area of nearly 2.5 million m².




The airport also implements rainwater collection and a water management system that employs the natural storage, natural permeation and natural purification of up to 2.8 million cubic meters of water in new wetlands, lakes and streams to prevent flooding and counter the summer ‘heat island’ effect on its local microclimate.



Beijing Daxing International Airport is the result of an excellent collaboration between dedicated teams of professionals in China and around the world, resulting in a uniquely contemporary building defined by its context and programme.




Beijing Daxing’s terminal was designed by its Joint Design Team (JDT) under the leadership of the Beijing New Airport Headquarters (BNAH), bringing together ADP Ingénierie (ADPI) and Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) to collaborate on the optimised design, subsequently working with BIAD (Beijing Institute of Architecture and Design) and CACC (China Airport Construction Company) to deliver the project.




The collaboration between ADPI and ZHA yielded a new functional layout that is integrated with, and expressed by, the terminal’s fluid architectural language and spatial design.




Within the JDT, ZHA functioned as the Terminal Design Architect, providing a unified architectural language across the terminal, from the exterior forms of the building to the seamless architecture of the interior and the distributed pod planning arrangement for the retail design. ADPI acted as the Terminal Planning Architect for the project, leading the development of the terminal’s functional and technical specifications.




Following the completion of the JDT unified design scheme, the project was delivered by Local Design Institutes BIAD and CACC, responsible for the detailed design and delivery of the terminal building’s architecture; and the technical design and implementation of the terminal’s aviation functionality as well as the apron, runways and air traffic systems.


The close partnership between BIAD and ZHA, in particular on the interiors of the terminal, benefitted from ongoing collaboration between the two firms on multiple architectural projects across China, ensuring Beijing Daxing’s terminal has been delivered to the highest standards.


Client: Beijing New Airport Construction Headquarters

Architects/Joint Design Team: Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) and ADP Ingeniérie (ADPI)

Design (ZHA): Zaha Hadid, Patrik Schumacher

Project Directors (ZHA): Cristiano Ceccato, Charles Walker, Mouzhan Majidi

Project Design Director (ZHA): Paulo Flores

Project Architect (ZHA): Lydia Kim

Project Coordination (ZHA): Eugene Leung, Shao-Wei Huang

Project Team (ZHA): Uli Blum, Antonio Monserrat, Alberto Moletto, Sophie Davison, Carolina Lopez-Blanco, Shaun Farrell, Junyi Wang, Ermis Chalvatzis, Rafael Contreras, Michael Grau, Fernando Poucell, Gerry Cruz, Filipa Gomez, Kyla Farrell, Natassa Lianou, Teoman Ayas, Peter Logan, Yun Zhang, Karoly Markos, Irene Guerra

Beijing Team (ZHA): Satoshi Ohashi, Rita Lee, Yang Jingwen, Lillie Liu, Juan Liu

Local Design Institutes: BIAD (Beijing Institute of Architecture & Design) + CACC (China Airport Construction Company)

Consortium Team (Competition Stage): Pascall + Watson, BuroHappold Engineering, Mott Macdonald, EC Harris Consultants, McKinsey & Company, Dunnett Craven, Triagonal, Logplan, Sensing Places, SPADA






Security System + Baggage Systems Design: China IPPR International Engineering Co. Ltd.

Information and Weak Power Systems Design: China Electronics Engineering Design Institute + Civil Aviation Electronic Technology Co. Ltd.

High Speed Rail Design: The Third Rail Survey and Design Institute Group Corporation Ltd.

Subway Design: Beijing City Construction Design Research General Institute Co. Ltd.

Viaduct/Bridge Design: Beijing General Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute Co. Ltd.

Fire Performance Design: ARUP

Public Art: Central Academy of Fine Arts

Green Technology: Beijing TsingHua TongHeng Urban Planning and Design Institute

BIM Design: DTree Ltd.

Architecture Façade: XinShan Curtainwall Ltd. + Beijing Institute of Architectural Design (Group) Co. Ltd. Complex Structure Division

Metro System: Lea+Elliott

Lighting: Gala Lighting Design Studio

Identification/Signage System: East Sign Design & Engineering Co. Ltd. (East)

Landscape: Beijing Institute of Architectural Design (Group) Co. Ltd (BIAD) Landscape Design Division





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