태양광의 경로를 매핑하고 모델링한 타워형 건축물 ‘선전금융기술원(Shenzhen Institute of Financial Technology)’
76,000㎡ 면적에 199m 46층 규모의 볼륨감 있는 디지털 타워형 건축물, 검은색과 청동색으로 제작된 수직적이면서 각진 유리 멀리언 외관 돋보여 Annual paths of the sun’s rays across the site have been mapped and modelled, with set-backs introduced into the tower’s volume to optimise the amount of direct sunlight reaching the district’s streets and public plazas
중국 광둥성의 선전에 글로벌 경제를 주도하고 새로운 금융기술 인튜베이터 역할을 할 선전금융기술원이 들어선다. 중국의 핀테크 산업에 서비스를 제공하기 위해 지어지는 선전금융기술원은 76,000㎡ 면적에, 199m(46층) 규모의 타워형 건물로 연구 및 개발 연구실, 기술 거래소, 데이터센터, 교육 캠퍼스와 함께 경영, 지원 및 행정 부서로 꾸며진다.
건물의 외관은 부지를 가로지르는 태양 광선의 연간 경로를 매핑하고 모델링했으며, 리듬감 있는 적절한 볼륨감은 지구의 거리, 공공 광장 및 기존 주변 건물에 도달하는 직사광선의 양을 최적화하기에 충분하다. 검은색과 청동색으로 제작된 수직적이면서 각진 유리 멀리언으로 구성된 볼륨감 있는 외관은 디자인의 형식적 윤곽에 의해 생성된 특유의 기하학적임을 십분 강조한다.
내부 공간을 연결하고 포용하는 아트리움의 녹색 환경은 공기 오염 물질을 걸러내고, 옥상 정원은 이벤트, 전시회, 모임 및 개인적인 휴식을 제공한다.
타워의 외피는 자체 음영을 제공하는 외부 핀이 있는 고성능 단열재와 조합된다. 직사광선 노출에 대한 자세한 분석을 통해 각 외관의 고유한 구성을 파악하여 태양열 이득을 완화했다.
스마트 빌딩 시스템은 하루 종일 타워의 사용자 패턴과 점유 수준을 예측하는 방법을 학습한다. AI가 자동화한 이 시스템은 하이브리드 자연 환기를 통합하고 최대 에너지 효율로 사용자의 최적의 편안함을 위해 타워의 서비스를 지속적으로 조정한다. 지역 공급업체에서 조달한 재활용 강철과 골재는 타워 구조의 구체화된 탄소를 줄이는 데 기여한다. ANN
Architect_ Zaha Hadid Architects
Design_ Patrik Schumacher
ZHA Project Director_ Joris Pauwels, ZHA Project Associate_ Yitzhak Samoun
ZHA Project Leads_ Ping-Hsiang Chen, Alejandro Garcia Gadea
자료_ ZHA(Render by Atchain)
The Shenzhen Institute of Financial Technology is integral to the digital and cross-border payment networks of the People’s Bank of China. A key institution for Shenzhen, the city at the forefront of China’s technological innovation, the institute serves as an incubator and evaluation centre for the financial technologies which ensure Shenzhen’s continued success in developing new digital advancements that drive the global economy.
The Shenzhen Institute of Financial Technology Tower designed by Zaha Hadid Architects will accommodate the institute’s ongoing expansion to serve China’s fintech industry which is anticipated to grow at almost 20% each year throughout the coming decade.
The institute’s research and development laboratories, technology exchange, data centres, training campus, together with management, support and administrative departments, will be housed within the new 199m (46-storey) tower situated at the heart of China’s tech industry and served by adjacent stations of the city’s metro system.
Located on a narrow site in the centre of Shenzhen’s Futian district, home to many of China’s most innovative technology companies, the 76,000 sq. m tower’s composition is defined by its surrounding urban environment.
Annual paths of the sun’s rays across the site have been mapped and modelled, with set-backs introduced into the tower’s volume to optimise the amount of direct sunlight reaching the district’s streets, public plazas and existing neighbouring buidings.
The varying degrees of transparency and colour of the tower’s façades are informed by these distortions within the building’s volume. Composed of vertical and angled glazing mullions crafted in black and bronze colours, the façades emphasise the unique geometries generated by the design’s formal contours.
A series of interior atria link together floors to promote interaction and collaboration. Foliage within these connecting atria filter air contaminants while the rooftop garden provides a variety of sheltered spaces for events, exhibitions, gatherings and personal relaxation.
The tower’s envelope incorporates high performance thermal insulation with external fins that provide self-shading. Detailed analysis of exposure to direct sunlight has informed the unique composition of each façade to mitigate solar heat gain.
A smart building system will learn to predict the tower’s user patterns and occupancy levels throughout the day. Automated by AI, this system incorporates hybrid natural ventilation and will continually adjust the tower’s services for the optimum comfort of occupants at maximum energy efficiencies. Recycled steel and aggregates procured from local suppliers contribute to reducing the embodied carbon of the tower's structure.
Client: Shenzhen Futian bureau of public Works
Architect: Zaha Hadid Architects
Design: Patrik Schumacher
ZHA Project Director: Joris Pauwels
ZHA Project Associate: Yitzhak Samoun
ZHA Project Leads: Ping-Hsiang Chen, Alejandro Garcia Gadea
ZHA Site Team: Simon Yu, Jinqi Huang, Yushan Chen
ZHA Project Team: Iraklis Kourounis, Biagio Amodio, Maria Vergopoulou, Sharan Sundar, Beatrice Cordella, Nessma Al Ghoussein, Cristina Barrios Cabrera, Samantha Pavic
ZHA Competition Project Director: Joris Pauwels
ZHA Competition Associate: Yitzhak Samoun
ZHA Competition Project Architect: Yazhu Liang
ZHA Competition Project Leads: Alejandro Garcia Gadea, Haohao Chen
ZHA Competition Team: Iraklis Kourounis, Maria Vergopoulou, Sharan Sundar, Saman Dadgostar, Lorena Espaillat Bencosme, Uli Blum
Local Architect: CSWADI (SD – PD Stage) / CABR (CD Stage)
Structural Engineers: CSWADI (SD – PD Stage) / CABR (CD Stage)
Quantity Surveyor: Hua Lun Cheng Construction Consultancy
General Contractor: China Construction Second Engineering Bureau
Façade Engineering: SPES
M&E Engineering: CSWADI (SD – PD Stage) / CABR (CD Stage)
MEP: CSWADI (SD – PD Stage) / CABR (CD Stage)
Fire Engineer: Shenzhen Electronics Institute Design Consulting Co., Ltd
Landscape Consultant: CSWADI
Site Supervision: CSCC
Project Management: CSCC